The Sarabite: Towards an Aesthetic Christianity

There is a continuous attraction, beginning with God, going to the world, and ending at last with God, an attraction which returns to the same place where it began as though in a kind of circle. -Marsilio Ficino

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Dignity of Man depends on the Dignity of Christ

Just as man is the absolute perfection of all lower things, so Christ is the absolute perfection of all men. If, as the philosophers say, all perfection in each class is derived by the other members from the most perfect one as if from a fountain, no one may doubt that the perfection of all good in men is derived from Christ as a man. To Him alone the Spirit was given without measure, so that we might all receive it from His fullness. So how without any doubt this prerogative is due to Him as God and man, which also, so far as He was Man, was peculiar to Him and became Him as a legitimate privilege.

-Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, the Heptaplus


At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That a Greek who was nursed in a tradition that viewed mankind in terms of Greek and barbarian should be so emancipated and, what is more, refer to the Arabs as descendants in spirit of the Homeric heroes is surely extraordinary and calls for an explanation. His city, Cyrene, had no Arabs in it and so there was no friction between his community and the Arabs; as a Neo-Platonist he may have remembered that some important Neo-Platonic figures, such as Iamblichus, were Arab; his anti-German sentiments, which he expressed while he was at Constantinople around 400, may have inclined him toward the Arabs, who had saved Constantinople from the German Goths in 378 after Adrianople; and finally, his literary models on the Arabs, most probably, were authors such as Diodorus iculus, who spoke well ot the Arabs, rather than Ammianus, of whom he was probably unaware.

At 9:26 PM, Blogger Arturo Vasquez said...

I thought he was Syrian.

At 5:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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