Thang Dao Dance Company dances the second movement of Philip Glass' Violin Concerto...
Or a bunch of noise, as one reader of this blog has put it.
There is a continuous attraction, beginning with God, going to the world, and ending at last with God, an attraction which returns to the same place where it began as though in a kind of circle. -Marsilio Ficino
For noise, that sure is lovely, emotionally stirring noise.
No, it is beautiful. And, paradoxically, not at all emotionally stirring, at least not in a lachrymose or visceral way.
Thanks for posting it.
I really liked your description of listening to Glass’s music as “being in one room, and as the music starts shifting, you’re leaving that room and entering another.” Aurally exploring different rooms/states is a good image for Glass’s music. Though it doesn’t fit under the musical or technical definition of soundscaping, I nevertheless like that word to describe certain Glass works, though after listening to more of his work, he’s much more melodic than I suspect people (including myself) initially think. And anyone who defines Glass’s compositions as noise doesn’t have a clue as to what music is.
For those with a sense of humor about Philip Glass
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