The Sarabite: Towards an Aesthetic Christianity

There is a continuous attraction, beginning with God, going to the world, and ending at last with God, an attraction which returns to the same place where it began as though in a kind of circle. -Marsilio Ficino

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Viendo para arriba...

Sinfonía en el cielo del alma

¿Llegaré a tu montaña?

Se hirió la lágrima
por correr a tus ojos.

Sin vidas sauces y los pinos quejosos

No hay más voz que la sorda
Mudez de mis pupilas.
Traeré risa de un lis de noche verde.

Voy a prender los fuegos.
Mi tierra… mi estrella. En la sala del viento
Van a caer luceros.

Reiré, donde tu risa tiene
Un lecho de cristal.

-Aída Cartagena Portalatín

(Symphony in the Soul Sky

Will I reach your mountain?

The tear was wounded
By running to your eyes

Without sallow lives and complaining pines

There is no voice but the deaf
Muteness of my pupils.
I will bring the laughter of a green night iris.

I will ignite the fires.
My land... my star. In the room of wind
Stars will fall.

I shall laugh, where your laughter has
A crystal bed.)