The Sarabite: Towards an Aesthetic Christianity

There is a continuous attraction, beginning with God, going to the world, and ending at last with God, an attraction which returns to the same place where it began as though in a kind of circle. -Marsilio Ficino

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Triduum Sacrum



Gabriela Mistral

El sol de abril aún es ardiente
y bueno y el surco de la espera, resplandece;
pero hoy no llenes ansia de su seno,
porque Jesús padece.

No remuevas la tierra. Deja, mansa
la mano y el arado; echa las mieses
cuando ya nos devuelvan la esperanza
que aun Jesús padece.

Ya sudó sangre bajo los olivos,
y oyò al que amaba negarlo tres veces.
Mas, rebelde de amor, tiene aún latidos,
¡aún padece!

Porque tú, labrador, siembras odiando
y yo tengo rencor cuando anochece,
y un niño va como un hombre llorando
¡Jesús padece!

Está sobre el madero todavía
y sed tremenda el labio le estremece.
¡Odio mi pan, mi estrofa y mi alegría,
porque Jesús padece!

Good Friday

April’s sun is still bright and fine
And the furrow of expectation shines,
But today do not fill your heart with waiting,
For Jesus suffers.

Do not dig in earth. Leave idle
The hand and the plow: plant your harvest
When they have returned hope to us,
For Jesus still suffers.

He has already sweated under the olives
and he heard himself denied thrice by the one he loved ,
But rebel of love, it still throbs,
Still he suffers!

Why do you, laborer, sow in hatred
And why am I angry when the night comes,
And a child goes like a man heaving with sobs,
Jesus suffers!

He is still on the cross now,
And thirst torments his lips,
I hate my bread, my stanza, and my joy,
Because Jesus suffers!


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