The Sarabite: Towards an Aesthetic Christianity

There is a continuous attraction, beginning with God, going to the world, and ending at last with God, an attraction which returns to the same place where it began as though in a kind of circle. -Marsilio Ficino

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Bishop Fellay and the Vatican

See this link from the Angelqueen Forum

Perhaps this is just a comment on a rumor, but since these subjects are so much on my mind, I have to say that I am ambivalent about the SSPX's potential rapprochment with Rome. Is there any real way that an Apostolic Administration for these people could work in practice? Is their becoming a "traditionalist zoo" in the rest of the Church inevitable?

One thing I do know, the SSPX is not above the crisis in the Church. Whether or not it is in formal communion with the Pope, it will face a crisis sometime soon that will shake it to its foundations. Most SSPX priests and their faithful that I know are like children who are trying to hide under a cardboard box. One day, this box ("Catholic Tradition") will be taken away from them and the brutality of the daylight will shine down on them. "Catholic Tradition" as they conceive it is more often than not naive, generalizing, and intellectually shallow. Perhaps it would be better to come into a real relationship with the rest of the Roman Catholic Church in order to hasten the inevitable confrontation between these traditionalists and the reality of the Church today.


At 4:12 AM, Blogger Ecgbert said...

The Indult ('insult' to traditionalists) thing, the Anglican Use and even the Eastern Catholic churches are just that, 'traditionalist zoos' stranded in what looks like a non-Anglo-Saxon version of the United Methodist Church. Condescension.


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