De Verbis
Hay palabras que tienen sombra de árbol
otras que tienen atmósfera de astros
Hay vocablos que tienen fuego de rayos
Y que incendian donde caen
Otros que se congelan en la lengua y se rompen al salir
Como esos cristales alados y fatídicos
Hay palabras como imanes
que atraen los tesoros del abismo
Otras que se descargan como vagones sobre el alma
Altazor desconfía de las palabras
Desconfía del ardid ceremonioso
Y de la poesía
Trampas de luz y cascadas lujosas
Trampas de perla y de lámpara acuática
Anda como los ciegos con sus ojos de piedra
Presintiendo el abismo a todo paso
-Vicente Huidobro, del primer canto de su poema, Altazaor
There are words that have the shadow of a tree
Others have the atmosphere of stars
There are syllables that have the flame of lightening
And set fire to where they fall
Others congeal on the tongue and break when they come out
Like those fateful and winged crystals
There are words with magnets that attract the treasures of the depths
Others that unload like a carriage on the soul
Altazor does not trust words
He distrusts ceremonial artifice
And poetry
Traps of light and decadent cascades
Traps of pearl and the underwater lamp
He walks like the blind with his stone eyes
The abyss forshadowed with his every step
There are two paths you can go by
but in the long run there is still time to change the road your on
There is a sign on the wall
but you want to make sure
because you know sometimes words have two meanings
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